eGovernment system for the support of employment in the Czech Republic

Because of our previous experience with the development of complex systems, our programmers were tasked by our partner to create an internal system for the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs of the Czech Republic. While people recorded as unemployed are automatically registered into the system after their visit of the office, the system supports searching and applying for open job positions recorded in the system. This system is currently a part of the integrated eGovernment portal.

Digging deeper

  • Development of an e-government system to support employment in the Czech Republic
  • Connected to the integrated portal
  • Unemployed people are registered into the system
  • The system allows searching for open job positions
  • Advanced search with detailed search queries
  • Section for companies to add new job offers and to search potential candidates


Use Cases

Relevant search results
Filters allow to narrow down the search results to the most relevant job offers

Huge database
Almost 200 000 job positions registered by dozens of thousands of companies

For companies
Ability to search registered job seekers based on their profiles and preferences

Looking for a job ad
Job seekers have the option to create own ads to promote themselves