We have joined the bank group’s internal development team to help them standardize their approach to authentication and logging in of users and signing of financial operations. Group’s subsidiary banks were not synchronized in this area, which required correction. A new software token was introduced which will replace the existing various solutions used across the group.
Digging deeper
- Processing requirements for the migration process of users to the new authorization and authentication method
- Working on the functionality for login and onboarding of new and existing users to new devices using the software token
- Creating specifications for signing and approving of payments and other operations using the token inside the token application
- Analysis of user initiated signing of payments and other operations outside the token application
- Specifications for new customer registration and onboarding process to the new token application
- Documentation for finished migration and login of users from individual countries
- Working on a user registration using activation codes
- Implementation of a functionality to recognize the user by a selfie photo during registration to the internet banking application
- Solving user management and settings, PIN change etc.
- API interface specification
- Support and solving problems with the first release
- Implementation of change requests by subsidiary banks
- Preparing the application for a launch in a new country
- Error messages definition for various scenarios before production deployment
- Creating solutions for failures on one of the systems so payment confirmation remains unaffected
- Modification of API interface
- Creating specifications of limiting cases
- Implementation of signing via cardTAN for payment operations and coordination with bank’s subsidiaries in Austria and Czech Republic
- Working on new login and registration methods for Austria to support specific solutions