Miscellaneous frontend development for a network of kiosks

A newly created network of kiosks operated by a global logistics corporation and big retail companies required numerous applications to be developed and implemented into their system. We programmed these applications that provide everything a customer or user could need. Thanks to the applications the use potential of kiosks has increased, and clients have managed to expand the network even further.

Digging deeper

  • Development of frontend applications for kiosks
  • Final clients the most important players from logistics and retail sector
  • Applications provide all necessary information for customers
  • Kiosks speed up processing of customers
  • Ability to send packages from self-service kiosks


Use Cases

Easy to use
Designed and developed for a simple operation

Kiosks operate without limitations and are available 24/7

Customer experience
Applications enhance customer experience and service satisfaction

User interaction
All developed applications are interactive