A different take on the topic of authentication

One of our partners needed help with creation of a new solution for a stronger type of authentication. We helped their team to develop a new type of authentication based on user interaction. The user interaction works in a form of challenges for which the user needs to find a solution.

Digging deeper

  • Implementation of a plugin for Strong Authentication Server
  • Plugin is used for a new type of authentication – based on user interaction called “Challenge/Response Authentication”
  • Authentication server generates a challenge for a user (challenge can be a number)
  • User takes the challenge and with his authentication device generates an answer
  • Authentication server validates whether the answer is correct or not
  • Part of agile (Scrum) development team
  • Database type depends on the first configuration with more options (Oracle, MySQL, MSSQL…)
  • Fixing issues on authentication server after plugin implementation
  • Server is developed in Java 7 with a lot of frameworks in every module e.g. Spring, GWT



Use Cases

Database compatibility
Ready to use a wide range of database technologies

Based on user interaction – Challenge / Response Authentication

Dual functionality tests
Local (Virtual Machine) and remote (remote server)

Numerous hours spent on optimization and stability improvement

Sever Compatibility
A lot of frameworks in every authentication server module